United Way of St. Charles Updated Location/Contact Info

United Way of St. Charles Updated Location/Contact Info
Due to damages caused by Hurricane Ida, the United Way of St. Charles office located at 13207 River Road in Luling will be closed until further notice.
The new (temporary) mailing address for UWSC is:
13145 Hwy 90
Boutte, LA 70039
Our phone lines are currently down as well. To reach the United Way of St. Charles staff, please e-mail:
-John Dias: johnd@uwaysc.org
-Kacy Kernan: kacyk@uwaysc.org
-Nicole DeSoto: nicoled@uwaysc.org
-Melissa Perrier: melissa@uwaysc.org
-Tamara Plattsmier: tamarap@uwaysc.org