UWSC Financial Information

Ultimately, a charitable organization’s Board of Directors and donors need to be able to say “Yes” to this question: “Do we feel like we are being good stewards of donor dollars?”

Organizations such as the  Louisiana Alliance of Non Profit Organizations (LANO) set standards and best practices for non-profits related to everything from term limits for Board members to the maximum acceptable Administrative Costs of a non-profit.  LANO feels that a healthy, fiscally responsible non-profit should have no more than 25% of its expenses to be Administrative costs.
United Way of St Charles has historically (and currently) had Administrative salaries of well under 10%. What that means to you is that over 90 cents of every dollar you donate goes into programs that serve the community. 
“Do we feel like we are being good stewards of donor dollars?” –- Yes, we are confident we are. 

If you would like more information, please view our audited financial report & 990 or contact John Dias at 985-331-9063.