UWSC Community Investment Committee

Committee Members

Chair: Alton James Jr.
Ricky Cheramie
Anedra Coleman
Eliza Eugene
Dwayne LaGrange

The United Way of St. Charles community investment process is developed to meet community needs and to have a measurable impact. In a dynamic economy, our community investment process must be of the highest integrity and open to any who may wish to scrutinize it. Our process must always strive to be as objective, fair and factual in its approach as we can make it; also being respectful and sensitive to the wishes of our donors and to the needs of those to whom our funds are aimed. It is from this philosophical framework that UWSC Board of Directors places emphasis as stewards of our donor’s investments.

The purpose of the Community Investment Committee is to:

  • Provide a formalized process to respond to funding and programmatic requests.
  • Improve the quality and increase the level of knowledge and information of the United Way board, committees and staff regarding funded agencies/programs.
  • Confirm that organizations/agencies recommended for United Way funding are able to provide the specific community based services described; are effectively and efficiently managed; and meet a community need identified by the UWSC Board of Directors.
  • Promote improved communications between UWSC and its funded agencies.

Below is a flow chart showing the allocations process: